Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Comfy Chair

       My Mamma came to visit me from Iceland in the middle of January.  She hasn't been here since September of 2011 so you can just imagine how excited we were to see each other as well as how excited the boys were to get their Amma for 16 whole days!!

While my Mamma was here I put her to work.  I wanted to buy a chair for my living room because I only have a three seater sofa and it is not the most comfortable thing in the world.  I was looking at recliners online and trying to find one that I liked but wasn't finding anything that was catching my attention.  Then.....as I was sitting in school between classes one day I found a used chair for sale online.  The chair was UGLY and came with an ottoman....sounded perfect to me :)

I talked to my Mamma and asked her if she could re-do the chair and ottoman somehow and she said yes, we would figure it out.  My Mamma and I drove down to North Carolina to the two guys that I buy a lot of my used furniture from.  For $40 I got this wonderfully UGLY chair and ottoman. 


Mamma and I went to Joann's Fabric and bought this adorable fabric along with some comfy fabric to put on the cushion and on top of the ottoman so the material doesn't get as dirty.
See how UGLY the material is on the ottoman??

What do you think about the fabric on the chair?  I love it!!

This is the finished product!!  I can't believe my Mamma was able to pull this off...it took her two days!!!  She is so talented!

I also bought the beautiful white pillow at Target to go on the chair and make it look even prettier and then my Mamma made the round pillow (more on that later on in this post).

I changed the way the fabric sits on the ottoman so it looks a little bit more cozy and well, Mamma has since left so her suitcases are no longer in the background. 

I love this chair and ottoman and am so glad I didn't buy a recliner!

Here is the circle pillow my Mamma crocheted while she was here.  She had bought the yarn before we even knew anything about the chair and we realized just how perfect it would fit with the chair after the fabric was bought.

As I was taking pics, Kobe, my youngest son decided to photo bomb the pillow....isn't he cute :)

Here is the back of the circle pillow.  My Mamma is so talented and she is all mine (I do share her with three other sisters though lol).

What do you think of my new chair and ottoman?


Handmade and off-centered said...

Oh wow! Love love love the chair + ottoman. I think it turned out great. The flour pillow is so pretty and is meant to rest on that chair.

The living room is really looking cozy.

p.s. You bet your a** you share her with the rest of your sisters lolz and you thought you could have her all to yourself *insert evil laugh*

Helga said...

You and your evil laugh....I had her all to myself for 16 whole days!!! I didn't have to share her with anyone unlike you when she is there Muhahahaha